Children's Issues Crime Politics

Shocking! Hunter Biden’s Sob Story for Child Support

Oh, look who it is! The audacious Hunter Biden, who seems to have made quite a career out of his addictions and questionable decisions, now shamelessly plays the poverty card in a child-support hearing. How convenient that he and his family conveniently ignore the existence of his daughter, even though DNA testing has confirmed his fatherhood.

According to those pesky reports from the New York Post, Hunter didn’t settle for just any mode of transportation. No, no, he hopped on a private jet owned by his pal Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer who previously bailed him out with $2 million in tax debt. The round trip to the courthouse likely cost a pretty penny, somewhere between $55,000 and $117,000. Just imagine, that could have covered child-support payments for up to six months! But who needs to prioritize responsibilities when you have a private jet at your disposal, right?

And let’s not forget that Hunter Biden enjoys the company of the Secret Service. It’s highly probable they joined him on those luxurious private jet flights, but don’t bother asking the agency or the White House for any details. They conveniently choose to remain silent on the matter.

So what’s Hunter’s grand plan? He wants to renegotiate his child support payments to his former stripper girlfriend, Lunden Roberts, who happens to be the mother of his 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan. Currently, he’s paying her a measly $20,000 per month and has already shelled out $750,000. But apparently, Hunter believes there has been a “substantial material change” in his financial situation, making it necessary for him to pay even less.

Let’s not forget how Hunter raked in the big bucks when he served on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, earning a cool $80,000 per month while his dad was the vice president. And who can forget his incredible art show in 2021? The art world was undoubtedly thrilled with his mediocre pieces priced between $75,000 and half a million each. Rumor has it that his artwork serves as a clever cover-up for selling access to his father. Just last year, a painting valued at $225,000 found not one, but two interested buyers. Ah, the wonders of selling influence!

You can’t blame Senator Tom Cotton for his sarcastic remark about Hunter’s “poverty” claim. Why bother burdening himself with child support when he can simply ask his father’s generous donors and patrons to cover the bill? After all, that would be a far more reasonable and responsible approach compared to splurging on private jets and fancy lawyers. But who are we to question the privileged lifestyle of the Biden family?

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